in association with ASK Group LLC and SIDBI.

MSME Bond is a smart investment working towards the development of Indian MSMEs.

Investment will help the Indian MSMEs to achieve more stable financial condition and also beneficial for investors.

MSME Bond will distribute maximum 12% minimum 7.01% annual compound return of investment towards investors, payable one time after investment period via NEFT / RTGS / UPI / MoneyGram.

*** All Investment must be transferred through RTGS / NEFT / UPI / MoneyGram.

** For KYC (1) Aadhaar / Udyog Aadhaar / CIN / PASSPORT (2) PAN / GSTIN / Income Tax or Corporate Tax Details (3) Declaration of Agricultural Development Investment (4) One Bank Account details required (5) One Email ID and Mobile Number

* T&C: (1) Minimum Investment Rs. 3,00,000 (2) Investment Period: 15 to 500 months (3) Both personal and corporate investment allowed (4) Pre Mature Withdrawal not permitted (5) Both FII & DII investors are allowed and FDI via MoneyGram is Approved (6) Certificate of MSME Bond will transfer via Registered Email ID and Mobile Number (7) Settlement amount will be transferred to register / required bank account within 9 banking days from maturity but E-Verification of MSME Bond Certificate is mandatory (8) In event of the inaccessibility of the investor after maturity the final amount will be transferred to the successor (9) All MSME Bond investment is under MSMED Act 2006, Government of India (10) Investor's money will be fully secured via Company Assets.